Norwegian Songwriter Herald K Teams Up with Lina Louise on Musical Rendering of Ancient Mythical Tale of Tragic Love “Echo’s Song”

Photograph: © Funky Eye

 On February 3rd this year Herald K released the duet ‘Echo’s Song’. The track features vocals by Herald and Lina Louise, piano by Nikola Stanosevic, and nyckelharpa (an old folk string instrument) by Stephan Steiner.


It begins softly and sparsely with Herald’s almost spoken delivery accompanied only by piano, but gradually builds intensity alongside the narrative tensions, as elements like female vocal, guitar, and nyckelharpa are introduced. We learn about Echo’s infatuation with the young man she encounters by the river, and the narrative of the two from then on continues to ebb and flow towards its inevitable fate, dynamically underscored by creative instrumental arrangements and the two contrasting but wonderfully complementary voices…


Take what you will from this story, there’s undoubtedly a density of allusion and suggestion here, of the kind often found in ancient Greek myth. A myth like this retains its appeal through its veiled and elusive layers of meaning, and Herald K seems to have honored these dimensions in his song-version. Although the story is told straight, it seems almost infinitely suggestive…



This song is the 4th release from Herald K’s ‘Mythologies’ project. 2022 saw the releases of the singles ‘Arethusa’, ‘Wandering Aengus’ and ‘Circe’. A full album is scheduled for release on May 12th this year.


Herald K: ‘In May, all 10 songs will be out, in physical format, with a booklet and a cover and a backside and an inside that you can touch, photos you can look at, and a disc you can play, at higher quality than mp3. And more songs, which aren’t mere fillers! In fact, some of my personal favourites are probably the still unreleased ones. And albums are important to me, so this album release will certainly be the most important achievement thus far in my creative career…’