I have finally found my sound’... Celine Ellis Unravels all with new EP

Celine Ellis

Release: Unravelled – EP
Release Date: Friday 25th March

Celine Ellis is an accomplished singer-songwriter and independent recording artist from Northamptonshire, UK. With 20 years of songwriting tucked under her belt, she’s been around a block or two, and down enough roads to have a few stories to tell. Songs like ‘Without Me’ and ‘Fallen Angel’ show us just how deeply Celine see’s the world, and she conveys this with such honesty and grit. ‘Drive On Through’ shows us her adventurous, playful side, and really brings home that catchy, singable chorus that defines any road trip playlist.

2021 was an incredibly successful year for the talented songwriter, who saw international radio play, BBC Introducing support and a #6 iTunes Chart peak for “Fallen Angel”. She has also taken her stories on the road, performing at a number of festivals across the UK. A powerhouse on stage, Celine delivers more than your average singer with an acoustic guitar, imparting a full range of emotions within her songs and performances

Unravelled – EP” is a collection of songs that address the many layers to relationships, from the very first spark – as described in the mid-tempo rock-infused country track ‘Gasoline & Matches’ – to the final closing of the door in ‘Without Me’.
“Recorded at Inspire Music Studio in Staffordshire, this record feels like I have really found ‘My sound’. Keeping the acoustic guitar at its core, but having amazing musicians build on that to create such a rich sound”

Scroll down to learn more about each song.
Find out more about Celine Ellis: http://celineellis.com/

Get to know the songs

Gasoline and Matches
Have you ever met someone, and fell hard? Much harder than they did? So much so, that you feel you’re not getting anything back from them, and you are constantly coming up against brick walls or excuses? That’s this song! This was an obvious choice to be the first song on this record, because it is all about the spark at the start of a relationship.

Where Do You Go?
This is by far the oldest song on this record! I can’t recall (reference intended!) exactly when I wrote it, but it is easily 15 years old. Probably more. It was written about the endless circles me and my then partner were going in; Argue, apologise, ignore the problem, problem doesn’t go away, problem causes argument, repeat. I spent a considerable amount of time not knowing what the hell was going on in our relationship. I felt constantly frustrated, and drained, but never plucked up the courage to leave or confront the problem. In the end, she left me!

Shadow Of The Moon
When you wake up in the morning, and you can’t remember how you got here. That is not a feeling I have had often in my life, but piecing together the events of last night and what it was that led you to here is what this song is all about. I wanted to portray that in this song, with it starting the next morning and it ends with what caused it.

Getaway Car
This is a song about taking the bull by the horns and getting out now, even if you think it’s hard and the future will be harder. I know a couple of people who had gotten out of relationships that weren’t necessarily good for them, yet they still questioned if they should go back and try and make it work. I think sometimes people stay in relationships too long, and it makes them miserable or angry, or worse. I really loved the idea of driving a getaway car out of a relationship gone bad. I still wanted this song to be positive – Just keep on driving, this is the right thing to do for me.

Without Me
Quite simply, one of the most emotional songs I’ve ever written. It took me a long time to be able to write about this. It’s the moments before you close the door on a relationship for good.